RRU instructional design featured in University Affairs

Side-by-side photos of Sophia Palahicky smiling and looking up

Sophia Palahicky, Associate Director of the Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies (CTET) at Royal Roads, was featured in a University Affairs article about the importance of instructional designers and their work during the pandemic.

Here’s an excerpt:

“It was an all-hands-on-deck situation,” recalled Sophia Palahicky, who leads a team of over 30 learning designers, course developers, and learning technologists and technicians at Royal Roads University. “The people on my team were willing to work so hard because they care about their jobs and each other, about the people they support, and ultimately the students…That is the only way we made it through this.”

The article also examines the professional practice of instructional design and the role designers can play in helping to develop course delivery.

Read the full article.