RRU Embarks on its first Climate Risk Assessment

Climate change is impacting our lives, our health and ecosystems. A study in Nature concluded that, 26 years from now, climate change will cause economic damages of at least $38 trillion every year. Climate readiness is an investment– for every dollar invested in adaptation, governments and businesses can save $5 to $6 in avoided infrastructure repair costs, and another $6 to $10 in avoided disruption to the economy (Canadian Climate Institute report).
Not only are climate-related impacts being felt daily, they are anticipated to increase. And we must prepare.
Royal Roads University is embarking on its first Climate Risk Assessment to understand, prepare for and adapt to climate-related hazards. The assessment is a critical precursor to future adaptation efforts by the university and is a priority identified in the Climate Action Plan 2022-2027.
Resilience Roadmap
The RRU Climate Risk Assessment will consider how a diverse set of climate hazards could impact on- and off-campus assets, services, people, and strategic objectives; and will provide a prioritized list of risks to inform action planning. This comprehensive approach is important because risks and impacts are often complex, unpredictable, and interrelated. Applying a more holistic lens offers more inclusive, equitable path to preparedness and resilience.
Working with a consulting team, the RRU Climate Risk Assessment process kicked off in early 2024 and will run until December. The project is led by the Climate Action & Sustainability and VP Finance and Operations office, with strategic support from an Advisory Group with representatives from across the university.
The final risk assessment and “Resilience Roadmap” will include:
- a summary of the key risks facing RRU campus, off-site locations, and global reach
- an overview of key resilience strategies and areas of strength to continue building on
- draft resilience goals and associated indicators to inform next steps for adaptation planning and mitigating identified risks
- recommended immediate next steps to support adaptation planning.
Engagement with the campus community - faculty, staff students - is an important aspect of this project. The purpose of engagement is to invite perspectives, knowledge and lived experiences of diverse RRU interest holders to inform the climate risk assessment. There will be multiple opportunities throughout the Climate Risk Assessment for engagement including focus groups, workshops and a survey.
Any questions about this project can be directed to climate_leadership@royalroads.ca