Message from President Steenkamp about coronavirus outbreak

News of the outbreak of COVID-19/coronavirus dominates discussions recently, whether in classrooms, around the dinner table or with colleagues.
While there is great value in living in an ever more connected world, fear and anxiety can also result from heightened awareness of a potential global crisis. It is worth remembering that the risk to British Columbians and Canadians from the spread of this virus is still defined as low.
We have a responsibility to speak out when we encounter fear-based, xenophobic and racist reactions. One of the best ways to avoid unnecessary worry and combat misinformation is to share facts provided by a reputable source. We can all be educators in this regard, working together to encourage a measured, reasoned and compassionate response.
Royal Roads will continue to welcome students and faculty from all over the world, just as we always have.
Royal Roads continues to monitor the situation and communicate information from reliable sources, such as the governments of Canada and British Columbia, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the BC Centre for Disease Control. We post updates on coronavirus/COVID-19 to our website.