MAPC students share their favourite learning moments
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Over the course of our Master of Arts in Professional Communications (MAPC) students experience a variety of learning opportunities. From on-campus residencies, course assignments and class discussions, to more solitary endeavours doing research papers and thesis writing, learning moments abound.
But don’t listen to us. Listen to what the experts – MAPC students - have to say on the matter.
Favourite learning takeaways from the Master of Arts in Professional Communications program:
“I am still early in the program but so far a key takeaway is to expect the unexpected. Before starting the program, I had a very clear idea of the path I would take, the courses I would most enjoy, etc., but I have surprised myself. I have benefitted from keeping an open mind.“ Isha Thompson
“...It is ‘Life.Changing’ “ Kim Wickens
“As challenging as it can be, learning and acquiring knowledge and insight is a gift. Keep writing, and you will also learn much about yourself. I experienced significant mental health challenges soon after beginning the program five years ago, and my journey has involved extended leaves and many course extensions. I will be eternally grateful for the support and patience of Dr. Virginia McKendry, who stood by me in the darkest moments.” Lew MacDonald
“In an effort to keep up with the demands of the program and life, in general, I have not really thought about which parts of the program have really resonated with me. Communication and Culture in Organizations and Strategic Communication (along with its Digital counterpart) have reinforced my view that communication is a multi-disciplinary and complex field in which knowing your audiences, and the contexts in which they exist, really does matter.” Bettina McCulloch-Drake
“My favourite learning takeaway from the program was creating a communications plan. I enrolled in MAPC from a non-communications background, and although the writing, theory, and research skills I acquired in my bachelor’s program were foundational, I still found myself continuing to learn new concepts. Another takeaway from this program was drawing from my personal life and applying my experiences to course concepts. I’ve learned a lot of information from MAPC that I knew before; however, I didn’t realize it, so defining my work through course terms was enlightening.” Jessica Rita Rampersad
“If pursuing a Ph.D. is your endeavour, go for it, learn the foundation from day one at the program.” Jessie Zhang