Ken Christie on tensions between Russia and the Ukraine
Tensions between Russia and the Ukraine seem to have come to a head, says Prof. Ken Christie. He shared his thoughts about what this means on CFAX 1070 Afternoons with Ryan Price.
Here is some of what he had to say:
“It’s not just coming from one side, it’s coming from both sides. Both sides are saying the tensions are very high, now if the tensions get too high, it will blow up. I don’t think this is going to happen. I think what is happening is a lot of posturing, especially from the Russian side to say we are not letting go of the Ukraine…[and] we don’t really want it to become part of NATO. They have said this repeatedly in their foreign policy statements…while the West is saying yes it can become part of NATO; there is no compromise on these positions. It is going to be difficult to diffuse the situation,” says Christie.
Listen to the full interview.