Gear Up for Go By Bike Week

Go By Bike Week is June 3 to 9.

Royal Roads University is situated partway along the 55 km Galloping Goose trail (at kilometer 15 to be exact). The E&N trail and the Lochside trail both connect to the Galloping Goose making it a direct route to campus. Check out this helpful bike map for Greater Victoria to plan your route.

Thinking about biking to campus?  

Here are some helpful tips for biking success:

  1. Keep safety in mind. Don’t forget your helmet and wear high visibility clothing. Bright bike lights are a must for rainy or dark days.
  2. Stay hydrated and fueled. Bring a water bottle and a snack too. Pro-tip: there’s a water filling station at the top of campus along the Galloping Goose trail directly behind Hardy’s Bar and Grill.
  3. Follow the rules of the road. Cyclists are vehicles too. Make sure you’re familiar with cycling skills and safe practices.
  4. Find a buddy. Why not challenge your colleague, classmate or friend to go by bike?  Make a game of it and join a Go By Bike Week team. RRU’s team is the 'RRU Roadies'.
  5. Lock it up. There’s plenty of bike parking available around campus. Make sure to BYOL (bring your own lock).
  6. Bus partway. Do you have a far commute? BC Transit is FREE from June 3 to 9 for bikers. Just show the driver your helmet to get on!
  7. Have fun! Trying something new or digging your bike out of storage can be intimidating. Remember that you have to start somewhere and it’s not a competition.  

Go By Bike Week on campus for students and staff

Join us on campus Tues., June 4 for a free bike check by Robert Barron from Re-Buy-Cycle Shop and a coffee and treat by the Neptune stairs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Staff, faculty and students are encouraged to join the ‘RRU Roadies’. By logging your rides between June 3 and 9, you’ll be entered to win the GoByBikeWeek Victoria prizes. You can join the fun in three easy steps:  

  1. Visit GoByBikeBC to create an account
  2. Use our ‘RRU Roadies' link to join the team  
  3. Start pedaling and log your rides!

Happy cycling!