David Black on BC Liberal Party name change

With the BC Liberal Party wrapping up their convention over the weekend and leader Kevin Falcon bringing up the idea of a possible name change, political communications expert Assoc. Prof. David Black discussed the history of the party in BC and why they are looking to re-brand on CFAX 1070 Afternoons with Ryan Price.
Here is some of what he has to say:
“You have a new leader, who was a central player in the B.C. Liberal Party as finance minister, among others, returning after a decade in the wilderness, in the private sector with new ideas and a new vision,” says Black. “You have a wholesale kind of undercurrent here, rethinking of what center right politics generally means, not just in BC, but in Canada, the United States and in Western Europe at a time of a kind of insurgent conservative populism. This is a time when center right politicians and center right voters are really thinking about who they are. In the case of the B.C. liberals wanting a name that reflects this this identity.”
Listen to the full interview.