Christie on Meng Wanzhou extradition case
Head of the Human Security and Peacebuilding programs at Royal Roads, Dr. Ken Christie, spoke to CFAX 1070’s Adam Stirling about Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s extradition case and its impact on Canada-China relations.
Here is an excerpt:
“We are in an enormously difficult situation, I don’t think we’re handling it too well in terms of giving concessions to the Chinese. Not sure what kind of concessions we could do, except to let Meng Wanzhou go and just somehow get her back on a plane to China, and that of course would upset the Americans. So we’re kind of caught in this political football that is going back and forth between the US and China and that is an extremely difficult tight wire to walk.”
Christie was interviewed on CFAX 1070.