Black on travelling municipal councillors
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Political communication expert Dr. David Black shared his thoughts with the Victoria Times Colonist, CBC Early Edition, CBC On the Island, and Mornings with Al Ferraby and the Adam Stirling Show on CFAX 1070, on recent news some municipal councillors in the capital region travelled abroad this winter break, against public health recommendations.
Here is an excerpt from his interview with Adam Stirling:
We are reminded of our pain and the pain of those close to us who have experienced tragic things [in the pandemic] but we’ve also presented with, in this nationwide scandal among the political class, an attack on the very things that have made Canada relatively successful in all this, which is trust in government and its moral authority, and the personal discipline with which we have answered this crisis, by leading very inconvenient lockdown lives. It’s those things that are attacked by this flagrant misbehaviour. It’s attacking the very thing that has reduced deaths and infections.
You can listen to his interviews at CBC and CFAX 1070 and read more at the Times Colonist.