Black on Russia/Ukraine crisis and updates on the Emergencies Act

Political communications expert Assoc. Prof. David Black shares his thoughts on the Russia/Ukraine crisis and the Emergencies Act vote in Canada on CFAX 1070 Mornings with Al Ferraby.
Here is an excerpt:
“President Putin gave an impassioned speech to the world. It was televised in which he declared Russia's recognition of these two statelets that Russia has actually created within the eastern Ukraine region, the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk. So it's theatre in the sense that these are statelets that he himself created in 2014 and is now formally recognized and positioning troops to as peacekeepers, allegedly to kind of affirm that sentiment.”
Later when discussing the Emergency Act vote in Canada, Black says “It was authorized by a 35-vote margin along party lines with, of course, the governing Liberals and the NDP supporting it, the Bloc and the Conservative Party opposing it, opposing it mostly because it was seen as they saw it as a matter of government overreach, as an affront to civil liberties, as unnecessary.”
Listen to the full story.