Black on recent disruptions on the campaign trail

Political communication expert Assoc. Prof. David Black was interviewed by Al Ferraby of CFAX 1070 about the state of the Canadian federal election, the impact of the end of the Afghanistan war as well as the state of the Canadian Green Party.
Here is some of what he had to say about the recent disruptions on the campaign trail:
“I think in some sense, as ugly as these scenes are and we don't want to see that repeated in bulk, where the rally was canceled in Cambridge, it actually is to the advantage of Trudeau, because Erin O'Toole has been trying to run to the left of his base and putting a very moderate red Tory face on a party that's probably more conservative than he is in general. And what these scenes allow, Trudeau, is a kind of foil. You know, there is the Conservative Party. Do you really want to support people who are calling for the death of the prime minister?”