Activities for everyone during RRU Earth Week 2024
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Mark your calendars! April 22 – 26 Royal Roads is celebrating Earth Week by offering a wide range of climate and sustainability events. From panel discussions to a shoreline clean-up to guest speakers from the Ocean Legacy Foundation and the Capital Regional District there is something for everyone.
Earth Week Highlights:
Discover tips & local actions - April 22 - Register to attend
Join us for a virtual panel discussion where experts from diverse backgrounds will explore environmental issues, share insights, and inspire action. From climate change to food security, they’ll delve into the challenges facing our planet and discuss practical solutions for a sustainable future.
Shoreline Clean-up - April 22 – Register to attend
Dr. Jonathan Moran will provide an overview of the ecology and significance of Esquimalt lagoon and then participants will head off in small teams to remove litter from the shoreline.
Please dress for the weather and bring gloves if you have some. We'll take care of buckets and have some extra gloves on hand. Sign up below so we know how many will be joining us to kick off Earth Week at RRU.
Plastics Versus Oceans - April 23 – Register to attend
The Earth Day 2024 theme is “Planet vs. Plastics” and one major impact of plastics is on the world’s oceans. Join us for a webinar featuring guest speaker Kathryn Anderson of the Ocean Legacy Foundation as she delves into this critical issue.
The Farm@RRU - April 23 - Register to attend
Volunteers are welcome 11:30 am – 1:30 pm to help at the Giving Garden. Open to RRU staff, students, and faculty only. Please bring water to drink and garden gloves if you have them (if not we’ve got extra) and appropriate footwear and clothing. The farm can be mucky this time of year!
iNaturalist Training Session- April 24 – Register to attend
Join us for an in-person community science training session in preparation for the City Nature Challenge. Participants will hear more about the City Nature Challenge, the importance of community-based science data and how to use the iNaturalist smartphone app to add our data.
The City Nature Challenge runs from April 26 to April 29, 2024 and this session will give us the information we need to hit the ground running.
The Farm@RRU - April 25 - Register to attend
Volunteers are welcome 11:30 am – 1:30 pm to help at the Giving Garden. Open to RRU staff, students, and faculty only. Please bring water to drink and garden gloves if you have them (if not we’ve got extra) and appropriate footwear and clothing. The farm can be mucky this time of year!
Wellbeing & Connection: Climate Anxiety Support Group - April 25 – Register to attend
As we enter the spring season and celebrate Earth Week, RRU Counsellors will highlight aspects of nature-based therapy during this special session open to RRU Students only.
Unlocking the Power of Authentic Connection in Nature - April 25 – Register to attend
Led by Shelley Doyle, RRU MAIS alum, this in-person session will focus on moving beyond small talk to authentically connect amidst the beauty of nature. The session will offer participants the opportunity to connect with nature through deep listening and experience sharing.
Changemakers Speakers Series: John Vaillant - April 25 – SOLD OUT
John Vaillant author of the widely acclaimed Fire Weather: The Making of a Beast, about the 2016 fire that consumed Fort McMurray, Alberta will explore humanity's dangerous addiction to fire.
Learn more about our Environment & Sustainability programs.