program area


award type


The purpose of the fund is to provide bursaries is to assist persons with disabilities to undertake or continue their post-secondary education at an accredited post-secondary institution in British Columbia or Alberta. Bursaries may be used for items such as tuition fees, textbooks, equipment, transportation, residence and support worker costs.

The bursary was established in 1988 by the family of Lisa Pauline Huus, a sociology student at the University of Victoria. “Lisa fought for her rights to go to university and be treated just like any other student,” says her mother Annie Huus. “We established this fund so that students with physical challenges like Lisa can access much needed financial support to pursue their educational dreams.”


The competition runs annually from March 31 to May 31 to student who are:

  1. a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  2. enrolled in an accredited college or university in British Columbia or Alberta.
  3. a person with significant physical disabilities or ongoing health challenges, such as someone who:
  • requires a personal attendant
  • dependent on a mechanical device for mobility or maintenance of body functions
  • requires major continuing therapies OR
  • have other significant special needs.

Applicants with mental health challenges are invited to apply only if they also have a significant physical disability.

How to apply

Please contact the Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island for questions regarding eligibility: bursaries@islandkidsfirst

Full description of the bursary and the application are linked below.