The cohort learning model is so valuable to the program. I learned the most through the diversity of learners.
My expectations of the MBA program were that it would be a challenging and rewarding experience. Not only was that my actual experience, but I was also surprised by how much immediate practical application the program had on my professional work.
Team and cohort learning were integral aspects of my experience as they really reflected the workplace. The blended delivery model was what attracted me to the program in the first place. As a career professional, I was challenged by the time commitment away from work it would be to pursue graduate learning. With the intense on-campus sessions, I was able to take time off work to attend and then integrate the learning into my work and home balance during the distance sessions. With the technology available today, the transition from in-person to distance learning was easily facilitated.
I have told several people that if I were to experience the MBA program over again, I would garner just as much the second time because I would be in an entirely different cohort of learners. The cohort learning model is so valuable to this program as I learned the most through the diversity of learners. Everyone brought different perspectives and experiences and that really enriched my learning.
I chose the Management Consulting graduate certificate option and I believe that provided me with a skill set that is very transferable to any career path. It allows for the application of critical analysis, consultation, and sound decision-making in all industries.
One aspect of the program impacted my workplace in ways that I didn’t expect – the Organizational Management Project (OMP), the program capstone. I thought I was only researching something that I thought was interesting, but I didn’t expect the high level of collaboration and enthusiasm from my workplace as the sponsoring organization for a school project. This actually cultivated my interest as a researcher.
I am now back at RRU in the last stages of the Master of Arts in Leadership and the early stages of the Doctor of Social Sciences. I suppose the continual practical application of education that RRU provides has compelled me to return.
Get to know other graduates of the Royal Roads MBA program here.