Lassoing Leadership
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Garth Nichols and Dr. Jason Rogers are two creative leaders that offer a weekly podcast called Lassoing Leadership. They playfully offer gems of leadership wisdom harvested from each episode of the popular TV show: Ted Lasso. They talk leadership lessons and end with a call to action. It is a leadership podcast that is thought provoking and compelling!
I had the privilege of being their guest on Season 1 Episode 8. For my leadership lessons, I surfaced some of the critical values that the characters were living and leading with and spoke about how this was developing their culture. In particular, I focussed on collective wisdom and authenticity with a few others thrown into the mix.
At one point Jason asked Garth to share his thoughts and for me to comment on what I think of my former student’s analysis. Garth is an alumni of our RRU Values based Leadership Graduate Certificate which also serves as the first term of our Masters with an executive leadership specialization. The conversation evolved so I didn’t have a chance to answer. But I have learned that missed opportunities don’t have to be lost opportunities; they can be springboards for finding new opportunities! So I will take this opportunity to respond in this blog. I was enthralled and delighted by Garth’s leadership wisdom and passion. I got chills when he ended his analysis with “Believe”. I thought of a mentor of mine who told my younger student self, “Always leave them with hope!” For me, it was a perfect moment of the student being the teacher and the teacher being the student.
Ted Lasso is full of hope and possibility, with characters who have character, are leaders in their own right, and are seeking to travel the high road with values that can act as a moral compass. By working with values, like collective wisdom, authenticity, humility, accountability, hope and possibility, we can start to see how trust is being established between people. Trust and trustworthy leadership is critical in this day and age. It is at the heart of creating thriving cultures.
Following their lead, I am going to end with some calls to action…
- Check out their Lassoing Leadership Podcast on Spotify!
- Interested in learning more about Values based Leadership and Executive Leadership Education? Attend our December 7 webinar 12-1pm. While there are many leadership courses that teach you what to DO as a leader, this program at its very core is also about how to BE a leader and co-create thriving cultures and innovative organizations.
- Garth and Jason have a dream of having Jason Sudeikis on their podcast! Might you be able to help this dream become a reality?
Photo by Ran Berkovich on Unsplash