Laren House Society
Chancellor's Community Recognition Award
Spring 2002 Convocation
Laren House Society, a non-profit agency organized by caring citizens, has for 24 years helped parolees and ex-offenders make the successful transition from prison to the community.
In 1988, the Society bought a Victoria heritage house to create the Bill Mudge Residence, a half-way house for men released from federal prison. The residence is named after the late Father Bill Mudge, the Catholic chaplain appointed in 1974 at William Head Institution. He recognized that those wanting to change their lives need community support, and so encouraged a group of friends to form a support group. This started the Laren House Society.
A professional, dedicated team at the Bill Mudge Residence provides an accepting, family-like environment. Each individual is respected, valued, guided and assisted to develop and achieve his goals. At the same time, the Society supervises residents to ensure they meet defined standards and responsibilities, and the Society itself is accountable to the community.
The result is a win-win for the men involved and for the whole community. Parolees and ex-offenders get the best chance to turn their lives around, and the community benefits from reduced crime and greater security.
In keeping with our University’s core value of promoting the greater community, and with our emphasis on conflict resolution and justice leadership, Royal Roads takes great pleasure in recognizing Laren House Society for providing this outstanding and inspiring community service.