Knowledge Mobilization and Connect
Dr. Cox was granted Research and Professional Development funds to share the work of Royal Roads University’s ResiliencebyDesign lab in an international conference setting.
As a scholar with an active program of research, and new projects (e.g., NRCan BRACE fund) rolling out, I am often challenged to develop the kinds of international connections and networks and disseminate the work of the lab more broadly. The European Climate Change Adaptation conference (May, 2019, Lisbon) provides me with an opportunity to share the work of the ResiliencebyDesign Research Innovation (RbD) lab with youth and climate change action in an international conference setting. It will also provide me with opportunities to develop my networks in the sphere of Climate Adaptation both through the conference itself, and prior to that by connecting with a colleague in Zurich who is working in this space of adaptation in the European context.