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I could put what I learned instantly into practice.
"I am married with three children and run two businesses, and the blended learning model offered at RRU appealed to me. It’s predominantly online and uses a cohort model where everyone begins and ends each section of the program together.
I found working with my cohort made me more accountable; enabling me to get the work done and meet deadlines while providing a supportive network of likeminded individuals. We were able to compare and share our own knowledge and best practices, and working as a team mirrors the skills needed to work effectively with clients and business partners. The exposure to other professions and professionals has been an invaluable experience.
The course content was relevant to real life and my career, and I was able to take what I learned during my program and instantly put it into practice. I now have new and innovative tools to use in the real world, learned from the instructors, course content, and my cohort; like-minded people who will stay in my life forever."