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With the support of a strong, well-structured team, I can overcome any business challenge.
“The MBA program is intense and will push you hard, but the rewards are well worth it. The program, professors, overall administration, and fellow students are world-class.
The first residency was definitely life changing. I realized that with the support of a strong and well-structured team, I could accomplish just about any business problem - no matter how overwhelming the project or deliverables might seem at first. I also met fellow learners who have since become colleagues and friends.
The small group setting at RRU was great; you aren’t lost in a sea of students. The team approach was extremely rewarding. I’ve always considered myself a strong ‘ideas person’, but found the ideas of my teams consistently outperformed any I could have generated myself. This alone was probably one of the biggest ‘ah-ha’ moments I had: develop a good team to build ideas and plans together. I now work much better in a team environment, and try to be more humble in my dealings with others”