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I was inspired and humbled by the experience, knowledge, and perspective of my fellow students.
"As a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) I was aware of Royal Roads University from its previous role as a military college, and that it had since become a civilian educational institution. It received high recommendations from peers that had attended, and my research pointed to it as one of the best schools to pursue a Master of Arts in Disaster and Emergency Management, particularly the blended online/on-campus residency delivery model; the ability to complete the program while working; and the courses and material offered.
During the first residency, I was inspired and humbled by the experience, knowledge, and perspective of my fellow students. The diversity of backgrounds, from those in the field already, such as first responders, military, and NGO/aid workers, to the people coming from non-EM backgrounds, all helped to provide valuable perspectives and insights. The MADEM program broadened my perspective through exposure to the wider field, and connected me with practitioners, students, academics, and organizations that all have a role in Emergency Management."