ILA and ITLC 2018: Authentic Leadership & Building Transformative Community

Dr. Etmanski was awarded Research and Professional Development funds to attend and showcase Royal Roads University’s Learning, Teaching and Research Model at conference.

The 20th Annual Global Conference of the International Leadership Association (ILA) was held in West Palm Beach, Florida from October 24 to 27 followed by the International Transformative Learning Conference (ITLC) at Columbia University, New York from November 7 to 10, 2018. At both conferences, Catherine Etmanski showcased her scholarship related to both food leadership and creative, arts-based leadership, while demonstrating how RRU is a thriving hub of leadership excellence. Etmanski presented with colleagues from RRU, as well as from St. Mary’s College of California, the University of San Diego, Claremont Lincoln University, and two arts-based leadership consultants from Seattle and showcased RRU’s Learning, Teaching and Research Mode (LTRM) as the option of choice for working adult learners.