program area

Tourism & Hospitality Management

award type

Active students (In-course)

This award was established by the Hotel Association of Greater Victoria in September 2010. It will be made available annually to undergraduate students in a hospitality or tourism program who have demonstrated how they will apply their studies to their workplace. Preference will be given to student who have shown initiative, expanded their comfort zone, or chosen a unique internship (for instance an international experience or independent hotel).


  • undergraduate student in a tourism and hospitality-related program at RRU
  • able to articulate how tourism and hospitality studies will be appled to his/her current or future worplace
  • demonstrated initiative and interest in going the extra mile in studies and work life
  • preference given to a student with a unique internship

How to apply

  • this In-Course Award is open to students who are (or will be) active in their program on the deadline date
  • pending the availability of funding, the competition will run annually from December 1st to February 1st (closes 11:59pm RRU time)
  • applications are submitted online through MyAdmin. A full list of awards in competition will be viewable upon login
  • address eligibility criteria for all awards in that competition in one one-page essay with your name in top margin