Healing City Soils Project receives support to continue
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Funding for this project directly promotes our goal to help members of the community.
“The Victoria Compost Education Centre is pleased to have been selected as the recipient for the Sustainability Action For the Environment (SAFE) fund for the second year of the Healing City Soils Project in collaboration with students from the Royal Roads BSc in Environmental Science program.
Funding for this project directly promotes our goal to help members of the community understand, restore and conserve our city soils and is integral to the shared goal of growing local food, reducing food waste and diverting organic material from the landfill. The free soil quality information and workshops provided through Healing City Soils support people who are interested in growing food in their backyards, front yards, boulevards and community gardens, while providing the students with valuable research experience and leadership skills.
Without support from generous donors through the Royal Roads University Foundation, the Healing City Soils Project would not be possible. One of the main goals of the project is to provide social inclusiveness and funding to enable the program to be accessible to all demographics including individuals facing barriers to expensive soil testing.”
*Marika Smith is Executive Director with The Victoria Compost Education Centre and is a gradaute of the Master of Science in Environment and Management program graduating this fall.