Global Leadership Associate Faculty Dr. Alec Bǎlǎșescu is interviewed about his unique perspective of AI.

Global Leadership Associate Faculty Dr. Alec Bǎlǎșescu is interviewed about his unique perspective of AI.
In April the Institute of Anthropological Research at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invited RRU Associate Faculty member Dr. Alec Bǎlǎșescu to give a talk in the Colloquium Series "Anthropological Crossroads" where he presented the talk "Data, Facts, Materiality", a talk on Artificial Intelligence and its impact on society. With this occasion he recorded a podcast entitled "On data", in the series "Ethnographic Imagination" with Prof. George Paul Meiu. This is in preparation of Dr. Alec Bǎlǎșescu's book "Climate Change in the Age of AI", forthcoming at Springer Nature publishing house.
Enjoy this amazing 30 minute podcast: