Global Leadership and Followership

Dr. Wanda Krause received Buttedahl and Skene Learning and Teaching Innovation Funds to attend and present at the 2024 Global Followership Conference.

The purpose was to present at and attend the key global conference on Followership studies, as a new field in the realm of global leadership. The presentation was titled “War, Peace, Prosperity, Planetary Health, and Followership Voices from the Global South, co-presented with Qingan Tian.
The purpose of this grant was attendance and presentation with others from across the globe representing over 50 organizations and institutions of higher education to the 2024 Global Followership Conference (GFC). This grant allowed the program head of global leadership to study:
• non-Western and underrepresented populations’ perspectives of followership
• strategies for teaching and facilitating followership learning activities
• ethics of followership
• cultural and social movements around followership
• collaborative, organizational, and team-based implications for the study and practice of followership
• insights into the skills, behaviours, styles, and attitudes associated with followership.
The newest developments on followership, as part of global leadership, are studied extensively at GFC.