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Student event
In person
Hatley Castle Terrace & Lawns
Royal Roads University V9B 5Y2
All members of the RRU Community are invited to celebrate RRU Pride during our On-Campus Pride Social on Wednesday, July 5, from 11:45 to 1:30 p.m.
Join us on the Hatley Castle Terrace and Lawns for refreshments, live entertainment and interactive tables hosted by RRU Proud and the Diversity Action Group.
Watch a special guest performance by alum Hostion Ho.
Born and raised in China, and a Canadian resident since 2014, Hostion is unapologetically Asian and Queer. After obtaining his Master of Arts in Intercultural and International Communication from Royal Roads University in 2017, he was actively building safe spaces for queer people of color through different community organisations and programs. Now, as one of the owners of Ricecake Events, a queer Asian event organisation that has given a platform to over 100 different queer Asian artists from DJs, to dancers and drag performers, Hostion is excited to continue creating these safe spaces for the community.
See our Pride page for more Pride events, info and resources.