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Climate Week
Ways of Dying, Dreaming and Living in Polycrisis
How do the structures and patterns within our communal and ecological relations inhibit the very futures that many deeply desire? How might we collectively reshape these structures and patterns to bring a future of regenerative relations to the present? What is the relationship between these possible futures and dying, dreaming, and living?
As part of RRU’s Climate Week 2024, and in a collaboration between the Royal Roads University Resilience by Design (RbD) Lab & MACAL program and Solvable with support by the UVic Faculty of Education, you are invited to join us for a documentary screening of Regenerar: Possible Paths on a Damaged Planet followed by a series of virtual and in-person workshops.
All workshops are free to attend but registration is required. Donations are optional and will support the Regenerar filmmakers and furthering work with the film’s content.
From November 18-20th, there will be three virtual workshops around provocations inspired by Regenerar. This will be followed on November 22nd, by an in-person, half-day workshop in Victoria designed for equity seeking and deserving community members to collaborate on place-based possibilities for transforming communities in the Capital Region. Together, these spaces build practices and capacities to compost structures currently inhibiting the community and envision solidarity actions community members can take to dream and live together differently. We hope you can join us to source inspiration, imaginings, and solutions rooted in exceptional ways of enacting collective change.
Mon. Nov. 18 - Regenerar Workshop 1 (10:00am - 11:30am)
To Die: Possible Paths on a Damaged Planet
Hospicing that which no longer serves ourselves, our local institutions, and communities. The first workshop in the Regenerar series surfaces what needs to be hospiced within ourselves, our organizations & institutions, and our communities to interrupt structures and patterns of harm. While death is often observed and avoided, in this workshop we will invite the sitting with death as a vital component of regenerative cycles. To Die is a call to open your heart and mind to the transformation of the wounded world you are part of so that you might step into different ways of habitating the world.
Tue. Nov. 19 - Regenerar Workshop 2 (10:00am - 11:30am)
To Dream: Possible Paths on a Damaged Planet
Imagining a community of freedom and well-being for all life. The second workshop in the Regenerar series invites dreaming as an enabling space for imagining and regenerating new communal relations. Dreaming and its precursor of sleep have been identified as a liberatory act of transformation because of their power to envision new structures and relations apart from Capitalistic functioning. Artistic practices support our ability to sense the distortions of dreams so that we might repattern life on this damaged planet.
Wed. Nov. 20 - Regenerar Workshop 3 (10:00am - 11:30am)
To Live: Possible Paths on a Damaged Planet
Healing from harms and ruptures to a culture of right relations. The third workshop explores ways of living that heal from the harms and ruptures of colonialism and embrace regenerative cycles. The workshop invites us to reconsider a life apart from and beyond structures that isolate and divide. The creation of antidotes and incantations can open new pathways to repattern communal life.
Secure your spot today by registering for one or more of the Regenerar workshops.
We are asking all who register for one or more of the workshops, to attend the virtual screening of the documentary which will include a Q & A with the director.
Wed. Nov. 6 - Regenerar Film Screening + Director Q&A (3:30-6:00pm)
We invite you to join us for a screening and discussion with Maria Clara Parente, Director of the award-winning Brazilian documentary. Regenerar is a three-part documentary that investigates the relationships between colonial modernity and the climate emergency through three lenses: Death, Dream, Life. The film brings awareness to the systemic crises and amplifies Global South voices—largely from Brazil— that question the worldview of modernity and open space for other possibilities for life on a damaged planet. Register for the film screening.
For those unable to attend, viewing the documentary by renting the film here. We will also post the Q&A recording after the screening.
Don't forget to check out the in-person, half-day Placemaking: Victoria as Civic Solidarity Ecosystem Workshop at Royal Roads in Victoria on November 22nd.