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On-Campus event
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2005 Sooke Rd.
Victoria BC V9B 5Y2
Get ready to Drop, Cover and Hold On! Royal Roads University participates in the Great British Columbia ShakeOut earthquake simulation and evacuation drill Thursday, Oct. 21.
Emergency Wardens and the Operations team will announce the start of the exercise with megaphones at 10:21 a.m. to simulate the beginning of an earthquake.
When you hear the alerts, act like it’s a real earthquake:
- drop to the floor
- cover your head
- duck under a sturdy desk or table if there is one nearby
- hold on and count to 60 second (in the event of a real earthquake, wait until shaking stops, count to 60 and then you can emerge from your cover position)
- evacuate to your muster station immediately after counting (follow your Emergency Warden’s directions using the same route you would normally travel for a fire drill or emergency)
This exercise is vital for campus and personal safety and takes only 50 minutes to complete.
- Prepare for the weather.
- Try not to schedule important classroom or work activities during the drill.
- If you're on campus but not in an office, here are some tips from ShakeOut BC to help you consider your safety and surroundings on campus.
ShakeOut is part of a worldwide network of earthquake drills. More than 570,000 people in BC are registered to take part this year. Find out how you register on the ShakeOut BC website or view the Shakeout drill video for practicing at home. Learn more about personal emergency preparedness for your home from the Government of B.C. and Government of Canada.