On-Campus Employer Panel: Dive into Industry Insights and Expert Talks

Event poster for an Industry Talk info session at Royal Roads University

Timezone: PDT

Student event

In person

2005 Sooke Road
Victoria BC V8T1L1

Wondering about your next career step?

On August 29th, come speak with some of Victoria's influential employers to learn about emerging career paths and practical applications of your studies. Connect with industry to learn about emerging professional skills, changing career landscapes and how sustainability and climate action skills are altering business practices. From this event, you will:

  • make new professional contacts
  • learn about current and future career opportunities 
  • gain career insights into what sustainability and climate action mean to industry

We are pleased to welcome:

  • Sandy Huang, Talent Acquisition Advisor at BC Ferries (one of the largest ferry operators in the world). Her goal with the organization is to help recruit the best talent whose passion and value align with the mission of connecting communities and customers to the people and places important in their lives.
  • Harjas Singh Popli, HR Leader at Bauco Access Panel Inc and Co-founder/Chief Marketing Officer at Star NRI Services. As you will soon learn, one of his greatest strengths is mentoring and guiding others so they may reach great professional heights. 
  • Praveen Raj Ponraj, Founder of Climate Wave Coffee. The company aims to transform monoculture coffee farms into biodiversity-rich, climate-friendly coffee forests worldwide. To achieve this vision, Climate Wave collaborates by forming alliances with various stakeholders in the coffee value chain, including farmers, distributors, roasters, cafĂ© owners, and consumers. 

This event is open to all students and geared explicitly for RRU's on-campus mid-career students.  To ensure we have accurate numbers, please register for this event through the Career Roads platform.  Questions about registration or the event? Please email careerservices@royalroads.ca.

Learn more about the Career Innovation Project and find Career Learning and Development resources online.


RRU ON CAMPUS - Sequoia Building Room #224