Revises and implements the thesis proposal developed in the Advanced Research: Thesis Proposal course (LRNT 600). A thesis constitutes a systematic study of a significant problem, issue, or phenomenon. Demonstrates the ability to analyze existing research, collate or collect data and apply it in the context of an existing problem, issue, or opportunity. The result is a synthesis of theoretical and empirical information and/or recommendations for further action. Identifies a problem or issue, states the research question, identifies major assumptions, explains the significance for the undertaking, grounds the research in relevant literature, sets forth the methods of gathering information, analyzes the data and offers a conclusion or recommendation based on the data and theoretical framing. Appropriate quality standards such as validity, reliability, or authenticity must be consistent with the selected research tradition and evident in tool development and data collection. The finished thesis evidences critical and independent thinking, subject expertise, appropriate organization and format and thorough documentation. The thesis should involve approximately 400 hours of student effort. Prerequisite: LRNT600
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