Cheryl Heykoop

Doctor of Social Sciences

Related program area

The online platform readily supports group writing, reflection and collaboration.

"At RRU, creativity and innovation are both welcome and highly valued. The calibre of people who decide to study here are exceptional, they are passionate about what they do, and have an innate curiosity to learn and do things differently.

The three week residencies offer face to face opportunities for learners to connect with each other, and the online learning platform provides a space for the learning to continue and the relationships to flourish. Through the online learning components of the program, I felt as though I was actively dialoguing with my fellow learners, and the online platform readily supports group writing, reflection and collaboration.

If you have ever contemplated doing a doctorate or a PhD, but couldn’t fathom taking time away from your career, then the Doctor of Social Sciences program is for you. The blended learning model allows you to work and study at the same time, and the supportive staff at RRU help you to meld your unique interests - career, educational, life - to create exciting and innovative research projects to embark upon on your doctoral journey.”