CCC19 – Climate Change and Consciousness: Our Legacy for the Earth Conference – Findhorn, Scotland
Dr. Leighton received Research and Professional Development funds to present research into the global mission of stewardship towards a sustainable future at conference in Findhorn, Scotland.
Climate Change and Consciousness: Our Legacy for the Earth (CCC19), Findhorn, Scotland, moves beyond a typical conference format toward a more collaborative and participatory investigation into how we can steward a sustainable future on what has already become a radically changed planet. Individual participants will not present their research, rather, eminent scientists, wisdom keepers, business people, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, authors, educators, psychologists, youth and others will gather to envision our joint future. Designed as an international, inter-generational and multi-disciplinary experience where diverse worldviews and interests using interactive and experiential means and making, may discover how to meet demands and leave a ‘Legacy for the Earth’ as a global mission of stewardship.