Business adaptation during COVID 19: New cases and understanding

Dr. Krusekopf was granted Internal Grant for Research funds to examine how the business sector adapted to COVID-19 and how they must respond to future possible crises and disruptions.

The global COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis have created challenges and uncertainties for the business sector (McKinsey and Co, July 2020). Businesses must both adapt and plan for the future in uncertain times. This research focuses on building an understanding of strategies for organizations that must adapt not only to COVID-19 but future possible crises and disruptions caused by pandemics, global warming, earthquakes, floods or other significant events. The primary outcome of the research includes two new business cases and other teaching materials that will highlight the decisions businesses were forced to confront in the face of the pandemic and resulting economic slowdown and market disruptions in 2020, and strategies for managing such crisis situations.