program area


award type


special audience

Former Youth in Care

Bursaries can be used for any expense related to a vocational, trade, or academic post-secondary program. Examples include school fees, living expenses, childcare, computers, textbooks, health care, or equipment.

This flexibility means that youth who qualify for tuition waivers or the Strengthening Abilities and Journeys of Empowerment (SAJE) program can still benefit from the bursaries.

You are eligible and encouraged to apply for these bursaries even if you are currently receiving funding from the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program, but meet the other eligibility criteria.


This bursary is for children and youth from care. For this program, “youth from care” is defined as:

  • having been in care of government for at least two years (includes voluntary care agreements, special needs agreements, youth agreements, independent living agreements, temporary custody orders, or  continuing custody orders);
  • or lived with a family member (other than a parent) or another adult for at least two years, as part of an agreement or custody order with the Ministry of Children and Family Development or a Delegated Aboriginal Agency;
  • or been on a youth agreement for at least two years. 

Other extenuating circumstances will be considered.

Other requirements

  • You are currently a BC resident.
  • You are a youth in or from government care in BC (according to the definition above specified by the Ministry of Child and Family Development, with special consideration for extenuating circumstances)
  • You are 26 years of age or younger at the application deadline.
  • You are registered, or plan to be registered, in a post-secondary program at an accredited BC institution resulting in a degree or diploma. Your start date must be within one year of the application deadline. Recipients will be required to provide proof of enrollment.

You are or will be a full-time student.

How to apply

Click Learn More to find the competition timeline and application form.