program area


award type


special audience

Former Youth in Care

Individuals who are eligible for the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program and studying at the undergraduate level in an eligible course or program at Royal Roads University may receive this additional funding to support educational-related expenses.


  1. Former Children and Youth In Care who are in current receipt of BC's Provincial Tuition Waiver funding.
  2. Be enrolled in a course or program of study, below the graduate level, which leads or will lead to a credential (certificate, citation, diploma or degree), where each study period is a minimum of 6 weeks or 35 tuition hours in duration. This includes:
  • Courses taken during unclassified studies or qualifying years
  • Continuing Education courses and programs that
    • lead or will lead to a credential (i.e., certificate, citation, diploma or degree).
    • support entry to the labour market or transition to a credentialed program at an eligible post-secondary institution.


  • Eligible students may receive a maximum of one Learning for future Grant per program year (August 1 to July 31).
  • Eligible students enrolled in courses/programs of 12 months or less may receive only one Learning for Future Grant, even if the courses/programs are delivered across two program years.

How to apply

Complete and submit the Emergency Funding application linked below, and indicate interest in the BC Learning for Future Grant.