Amy Mendenhall
2023 Board of Governors student election
Tansi / Oki! My name is Amy Mendenhall, and I am running to join the Royal Roads Board of Governors.
I am a first-year master of arts student, Metis and Two-Spirited. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Studies with a minor in history and educational assistant certification.
Why am I running? Because I love to advocate and create change for my fellow students. In the last year of my undergrad, I was the vice president of student affairs and one of the founders of the stand-led advocacy group at the University of Lethbridge called the Student Action Assembly.
Since graduating in 2022, I have worked with the unhoused community in the housing sector, created youth programs in Indigenous-led agencies, worked with youth in group homes, and spent a few months in our local women's shelter. I was also the volunteer coordinator for the first-ever Afro-Caribbean fest, and it was a huge success. I am taking my master's so that I have the qualifications and education to create a shelter for youth in our city because I have realized there is nowhere for them to go and that a safe space is needed.
I have spent my life serving others, which led me to Royal Roads and why I love supporting my classmates. As a teenager, I was awarded the Young Citizen of the Year award for my volunteer work in my city, and shortly after I graduated high school, I was awarded the Premier's Awards of Excellence for creating an anti-bullying bylaw. While the awards look nice on my shelf, I do not do what I do for awards but because I genuinely love serving and supporting others. I am so excited to be a student at Royal Roads, and I hope to use my experience and expertise within the post-secondary sector and beyond to represent you in the best way possible.
Thank you and Hiy Hiy