
Refine results

Person with mask taking photograph on mobile phone

2020: A year of communicating COVIDly

What the media posts and people share about the COVID-19 pandemic reveals who we are and what we value. RRU assesses a sample of pandemic communications.

Royal Roads guest lecture slideshow title page

Democracy and the media guest lecture series

Students in the MA in Professional Communications program attended guest lectures on Democracy and the Media, presented by academics and industry professionals.

Person with headphones in living room presenting information to laptop screen

First annual Conference on Communication Ethics

RRU's first conference on communication ethics reaffirms the potential of communication to make a difference as an ethical — or unethical — force in society.

Jennifer Walinga posing with three young girls

Taking the lead on safe sport

Prof. Jennifer Walinga asks Canada to take the lead on Good, Safe, Clean and True sport, particularly to protect women athletes. Integrity is part of winning.